Saturday, August 17, 2013

Plants vs Zombies 2 iOS save game syncing

My user profile was not synching between my iPad and iPhone in Plants vs Zombies 2.  I was eventually able to get it to sync by using iFunBox to copy the com.popcap.ios.PvZ2.plist file from /var/mobile/Applications/<PvZ2_folder_of_your_device>/Library/Preferences to my computer from my iPad and then copying it to the iPhone.  The player ID codes in iOS > Settings > PvZ 2 should match on all devices.

The synchronization is not instantaneous.  It seems to take a couple of minutes.  I'm not sure if the synchronization only occurs while waiting on the main menu.

There is a thread about this problem here.

Update:  This doesn't appear to work consistently.

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